Now, in case you're still wondering what the hell Jean Claude Van Damme is doing on this image, I will give you the answer to that question – he's fighting against the Aliens in Dominic Burns‘ new sci-fi movie! Today we have a completely new poster and a pretty cool international trailer to share with you, but please guys – try to remain calm!
Well, the truth is that Van Damme is not an important part of the U.F.O. story. He actually stars as a retired military adviser in the movie. But, hey, when your daughter stars as the lead – you have to support her, right?
So, in case you still know nothing about Van Damme's little girl, we're here to present you Bianca Bree, who plays a lead role in the movie! And together with her friends she will attempt to survive a deteriorating chaos as the world descends into terror and anarchy during an alien invasion and interstellar war.

As you'll see in this 2-minute video, it all started with a blackout, you know – all power and communications down and stuff like that. And then, hours later city sized UFO's invade the world's skies and the shit began.
Beside Van Damme and Bianca, the rest of the cast also includes Sean Brosnan (and yes, his daddy is Pierce), Julian Glover, Simon Phillips, Sean Pertwee, Andrew Shim, Jazz Lintott, Peter Barratt, Forbes KB and Maya Grant.
U.F.O. International Trailer
I'm still not quite sure what to think about this movie. Every time I watch this trailer I have a different feeling – epic, or completely stupid project. The only thing I know is that U.F.O. opens in UK on January 11th, 2013. Still nothing about the USA release date, but don't worry, I'll let you know!
U.F.O. Poster