In early 2010,
Tom Hardy starred in
Brett C. Leonard's play
The Long Red Road for
Philip Seymour Hoffman at the Goodman Theatre, Chicago. Hardy won some good reviews and now is reprising his role as Sam, an alcoholic trying to drink away his past in the big-screen translation of a stage play.
Michael Shannon is also attached to topline the first feature for Paul Neesan and Richard Fant's Whipsmart production company; Shannon will play Sammy's older brother, Bob.
Leonard, a former writer/producer on HBO's Hung who wrote the play will write the screen adaptation. It's uncertain on whether or not Hoffman will come back on board as director.
Hardy, who portrays Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, will next be seen in Lawless and is done doing whatever is required of him on
George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road.
As for Shannon, you can catch him on HBO's Boardwalk Empire, and he will be seen in Premium Rush and in the role of General Zod in Warner's Man of Steel next summer.
Pretty amazing don't you think.

Hear director Hoffman, playwright Leonard and members of the cast discuss The Long Red Road play.