The second trailer for Paramount Vantage's indie romantic drama
Like Crazy, about an American who falls in love with a visiting British student who overstays her visa and has to return to London, has just debuted.
The film finds
Anton Yelchin and Blighty's own
Felicity Jones as college students from opposite sides of the Atlantic who fall in love while she's studying in LA. Their time together is blissful and romantic and they start considering the future.
But then bureaucracy gets in the way when Anna (Jones) overstays her welcome (and her visa) and is unceremoniously sent back to the UK. Cue angsty phone calls between the two and Jacob (Yelchin) visiting her when he can. Yet the relationship starts to fray with the distance between them, and soon they're starting to worry that it can't survive the long periods of separation.
Like Crazy already played Sundance and was a big hit there is directed by
Drake Doremus and comes to theaters October 28th, 2011. The film also stars
Jennifer Lawrence, Charlie Bewley, Alex Kingston, Oliver Muirhead, Finola Hughes, and
Chris Messina.
Check out the trailer below

Jennifer Lawrence