But Knightley recently spoke with Moviefone and we could say that she just confirmed that she is done with the role of Elizabeth Swann and Pirates movies.
“It was a completely fantastic experience, and it was an amazingly large portion of my life, but I don't think I need to go there again. I think that it's done. But I'm very excited to see the next one. And Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is so wonderful in that character. I think it'll be wonderful.”
Keira Knightley has signed up to appear in Mark Romanek's sci-fi project “Never Let Me Go.” Knightley will star alongside Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan in the cloning-themed movie.
Knightley also is attached to play Zelda Sayre, author and wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, in “The Beautiful and the Damned” which will centre on the couple's troubled relationship. She will also star with Colin Farrell in “London Boulevard,” a crime drama that marks William Monahan's directing debut and in the Columbia Pictures remake of “My Fair Lady” as the simple Cockney flower girl who is transformed into a lady.

Unfortunately, “King Lear” – the British production of Shakespeare's tragedy – project announced at last year's Cannes film festival has been cancelled, despite A-list cast of Keira Knightley, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts and Anthony Hopkins.
hopefully its not official, I’d like to see Keira and Orlando in Pirates still :)
she cant just leave it would be just to stupid of here
keira can’t leave when you use diffrent people in a movie it dosn’t make the movie the same
I understand that keira is getting tired of this but personally, i think she should wait until 5 to leave… i mean, the story is at its climax and she and orlando need to finish off at least one more together before they can leave, it would be the biggest mistake of her career… i definitely have no intentions of watching Loundon Boulevard or My Fair Lady, but i would really love to see her in Pirates 4, perhaps since Will is no longer bound to the Dutchman, but invulnerable, they make another tam that wishes for her to gain immortality so she can be with Will forever. After this movie it may be smart to leave before the movie dies, but it is too soon
she cant leave because shes sooo hot and I wane see her pussy
noo i want to see Keira and Orlando!!
I LOVE JACK HE IS HOT! Good ridness to Kiera. Sure Johnny Depp maybe old ( sorry johnny) but he is still hot along with the character he plays.
if she leaves it’s not even pirates anymore it’s just another boring movie and will and elizabeth are at the climax of there realationship how could she leave they had a kid and now shes gonna leave i mean really?
It’s sad, sure, but I guess that their story’s kind of over anyway, I mean, Will sees her every 10 years until she dies, their son was hung and now Will’s just a part of the Dutchman until someone stabs his heart or the world implodes on itself… Still would have been nice to see them again. Jack, Elizabeth, and Will /were/ the main trio after all…