Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince“, the sixth entry into the series, is definitely the most leisurely of the movies to date. Clocking in at over 2 1/2 hours long, there's no sense of urgency detected in Potterdom this time around. And why would there be? Young love is in the air. Never mind all that business with the Dark Lord and his minions, who seem to be waging an all-out assault against our heroes when they aren't otherwise preoccupied with “snogging.”
A sampling of reviews:
Harry grows up in this one. That's pretty much all you need to know right? Six movies into the Potter franchise, and your options for reviewing the film begin to see diminishing returns. No other successful series has gone this deep into a multi-movie story line with its main characters (and financing) intact. And there's two more to go!
In The Half-Blood Prince Hogwarts has become as familiar as your grandparent's beach house you get to vacation at once a year. It's awesome and all, and you enjoy visiting, but you know its hallowed corridors like the back of your hand. Teachers, with whom you're on a first-name basis, pass you in the halls – different landmarks and various patina of whoosie-whatsits flit around your head before you give them a second look. The magic has become second nature and commonplace to those of us who've already passed our OWLs…read more: [
Harry is distracted from his paper, however, by an instant flirtation with the young waitress, a saucy cutie who informs him, although he asked only with his eyes, that she gets off work at 11. She indeed waits for him on the platform, but the Chosen One must respond to his higher calling from Dumbledore (
Michael Gambon), who either materializes, gets off a train, or has a pied-a-terre right there in the Underground. I for one will be disappointed if that waitress (I think her name is Elarica Gallagher) doesn't turn up again in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” whose two parts will conclude the series in 2010 and 2011…read more [
Roger Ebert]

David Yates gives the film a depth beyond the first five, including THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, which he also directed. He has taken these young actors to a whole new level. They started with stilted deliveries, a la the three younger MYTHBUSTERS, but they show an incredible amount of maturity in this film. Particularly notable is the scene with Hermione sobbing on the steps with Harry after Ron breaks her heart. (Please tell me this is not a spoiler for you. Because this is one of those cases where you MUST read the books as well. Do it. You'll thank me.)…read more [
And Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, despite a few narrative threads and character arcs left dangling in the transfer, is by far one of the best of the series, and absolutely the funniest and most human. The last film that will be set largely at Hogwarts, Half-Blood Prince leaves room for its characters and the world they inhabit to breathe, returning to things like Quidditch and Christmas parties and the “frivolous” things that make Rowling's writing such a joy. Aided by some stellar supporting players, including the tremendous Jim Broadbent as bombastic new professor Horace Slughorn, the film earns big laughs where earlier films felt more morose than magical. It's not a light film by any means, but Half-Blood Prince feels less hellbent on plot development, and therefore a lot more fun…read more [

Early test screenings yielded complaints that the whole movie focused on romance and that the action was backgrounded. These complaints are, amazingly, right and wrong at the same time. Yes, the focus on the film is about the romances between the characters, but these romances don't happen in a vacuum. Outside of Hogwarts things are getting dark, as Death Eaters have begun waging terrorist war not just on the magical world but the Muggle one as well. Things are looking downright apocalyptic, but the film knows that ill-fated romance can seem just as apocalyptic when you're 15. In many ways this film reminded me of the better seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where the interpersonal dynamics reflect the larger, mythological stakes…read more [
If Broadbent is the cornerstone performance, Radcliffe's is the pinnacle. Make no mistake – this is
Daniel Radcliffe's movie. His serious dramatic work is still shaky, but the greatest addition to the character of Harry is a solid sense of humor that he seems to have gained sometime when the audience wasn't looking. Radcliffe's laugh lines land squarely, making it obvious that the actor has a future in comedic roles if he wants them.
That humor is important not only for character, but also important to create a sense of worth and meaning for the entire world. It's the moments between Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny that give a sense of what the crew are fighting for. At the end of the last film, Harry intimates that the group's advantage over the dark forces is that they have true friendships to defend. It's clear that those friendships are growing, becoming deeper, and in turn becoming more important as the focus of what these characters have to lose. As the relationships become richer, they also become more fragile and raise the stakes should they be lost…read more
On the other hand, not many teens face a hero's quest as daunting as the one set for Harry, with a showdown scheduled for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Half-Blood Prince encompasses important plot developments involving both love and death. But the story is, still and all, only a pause, deferring an intensely anticipated conclusion. And it's in that exquisite place of action and waiting that this elegantly balanced production emerges as a model adaptation. By now, as played with utmost loyalty to the cause by some of Britain's most illustrious actors, the supporting characters are as familiar as the population of Homer Simpson's neighborhood (and that's a great compliment). Yet with a big assist from cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel – a Potter newbie who memorably shot Amélie and Across the Universe – the filmmakers have found a way to refresh our eyes and enhance our appreciation for this rich, amazing creation…read more [
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley, David Thewlis as Remus Lupin and Oliver Phelps as George Weasley
Jim Broadbent joins the cast in this film as Professor Slughorn — it's always delightful to see yet another veteran British character actor appearing in the Harry Potter series. Broadbent's Slughorn is a little less insinuating and power-hungry than the character in the book, and less rotund than I'd imagined the character, but I have no objection to these improvements.
Fans of the book may feel unhappy that some of their favorite parts are changed or omitted. However, as a movie dependent on earlier films in the series, Half-Blood Prince provides a carefully plotted story with plenty of humor to counterbalance the darker moments. Yates, who also directed Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, has managed to find the best way to tell the Harry Potter stories effectively on film — as a tight suspense film that isn't too scary for older kids, with a good dose of humor, Young Love, and charm. I'm not going to compare and rank this film up against the others in the series (better than #4, #3 still best) because I haven't seen some of them in years, but this movie has me looking forward to the final two in the series, and even hoping that some of the seventh book's flaws will vanish in the movie adaptations….read more [
David Yates (director) bloat lol did a superb job just magnificent to watch, may be Alfonso Cuarón would have made them ROCK. I am a great fan of Harry Potter series. My favorite still remains HP3: Prisoner of Azkaban. But Half Blood was simply outstanding on levels. I’ll be seeing it again Saturday on IMAX which will be even better as it’s one of the original IMAX screens that loom up and over the audience as opposed to newer screens that are just big.
Being a great fan I have collected a list of good sites and articles (may be around 200) related to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (movie information, movie schedule, movie reviews, books, games, news, wallpapers and many more). If you are interested take a look at the below link
What more can I say about this fantastic piece of work…by far the best Potter film and potentially film of the year 2009.
I am a thouroughly,dissappointed Harry Potter fan,having read the books more than six times each. Definitely agree with everyone who rates the book better than the movie. If you have read the books then you will probably not have anything to complain about. But even for audiences who haven’t read the book, bits in the 6th movie are not explained for them. The 6th film was not even like the book at all, it completely lost it’s harry potter/magical aspect. I went to see it this afternoon, and was thoroughly let down. I am really shocked at how badly it was potrayed. Firstly, the comedy was dreadful and the comdey in it took over the storyline. And secondly, what even was the story line!! It was terrible, the effects were amazing but I would not see it again. It did not make sense, and was not related to the book. Some parts in the film were completely irrelevant, and I am shocked and upset with the result. I would never imagine myself saying this, the die-hard Harry Potter fan I am, but it was in my opinion the worst Harry Potter film out of all of them. Not due to effects, or props etc, but due to the plot and story line. They missed many key factors out. And this now will have and effect on the last two movies(D.Hallows part One and Two) as the information included in the 6th film, will have to make sense for the last movie. Which,again is not relevant to the book. It was, rubbish. I am ashamed and shocked. I feel sorry for all Harry Potter fans, and also myself.
I watched this film upto 4th part – The Goblet of Fire. I felt really bored of seeing Harry Potter’s adventures.
At last! It’s finally here. Been looking forward to seeing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for ages… (It should’ve been released November last year!) Hopefully seeing it later today…
Harry Potter 6 is pure awesome. I have only seen its trailers and it is definitely breathtaking. So far, I guess I will wait until this one will be shown in our country to witness its fame. Good work on you all.
I could not disagree more! To a nonreader, the movie probably plays very well, however key elemnets are left out or changed to such a lard degree that I don’t see how the story of the Deathly Hallows can flow from this movie. The scene of the fire at the Burrow, is a complete fabrication from the books and adds nothing to the story that is being told and the scene on the top of the Astronomy Tower loses much of its power because the Battle the the Death Eaters within Hogwarts never happens. How in the world can that be ommitted? I was shocked to find out that the movie would be a PG largely because I didn’t see how the dark themes from the book could be presented in a way that would allow it to get a PG rating. Now I know…those important elements were simply left out. As a movie for the masses, it is acceptable entertainment, but for a diehard Potter fan, it is simply disappointing.
Thank goodness for your site! Having seen the film and read all the glowing ‘professionally’ written reviews I was beginning to wonder if I was living in some sort of alternative reality… The Half Blood Prince was a huge let-down and despite comments to the contrary, if you haven’t read the book how on earth could you make sense of it, or see the relevancy. Poor Draco spends the entire film fixing (or at least popping bits of things in and out of) a wardrobe – for what? So Voldermorts generals can access Hogwarts, witness the death of Dumbledore – committed by Snape/Draco (please note both characters are already in Hogwarts and could have nobbled old Dumble at any time) and then go home – Oh, after disarming poor Potter (Voldermorts true quarry), who is left prone and helpless on the ground while Hagrids hut goes up in smoke. Is it me, or would this not have been a good time to summon Voldermort and earn a few extra brownie points, or at least perform the ‘Petrificus Totalus’ and take him to their leader -The answer is no for 2 reasons, namely it did not happen in the book and also, it would negate the need for two more films. This film has more holes than a grandma’s lace doily and my final grumble, an irritation that nagged like toothache throughout – Harry is the shortest of our main characters which is plain in a number of shots and yet, manages to attain a few extra inches in most of the ‘conversational’ scenes, particularly when talking to Hermione or Ginny – who is at least 4 inches taller. Did he use a box or was it ‘magic’.
I completely agree with Terrip. I went to see the movie yesterday evening here in Holland. For a die hard Fan as I am, this 6th movie is de worst of all. The story is so different than the one in the book! Even more: there is so much ommitted! What of Harry who feels his “relationship” with Voldemort growing? And where is the big fight between Hogwarts students and de Death Eaters? Since I read about the fight at the time the 6th book came out, I couldn’t wait to see it on the screen. And the trailers made me expect something great… But nothing happens!! The movie is taking too much time to reveal all those love stories and forget the most important things. It should have been wiser to make 2 movies for the Half Bloof Prince too. I am really deeply disappointed – and judging by the look and tolk of the audience of yesterday evening, I wouldn’t loose a lot of money if I would bet that more than de half of the audience feels the same way I am – because this saga will be filmed this once and we might have to wait 50 years to see a remake, that I hope will be a lot beter (as of this 6th movie). The first 5 movies were good to great, but this one I don’t even want to have it on DVD at home. And I am so afraid for what is going to happen in the next two. The links from the 6th book to the 7th are completely gone. How are they going to explain certain things in the 7th one. Please: make this 6th once again! Please! I can’t understand that J.K. Rowling agreed with this 6th movie. It is just a joke and a disgrace to all Harry Potter fans. I couldn’t even sleep last night… There are a lot of stories about the fact that a lot of not fan are going to see a Harry Potter film for the first time, so it doesn’t matter if the movie is not following te story line of the book. What the h…?!! Like the banks, that shouldn’t forget that the client coms first and then the shareholders, the same has to be applied to HP films: first the fans, then the rest! Give the whole thing to Peter Jackson. He knows how to put a book on screen (The Lord of the Rings saga was a master piece). He won’t disappoint me
Totally agree..i am wid you!!!
I hope to see Elarica again but please spell her last name correctly Gallacher.
Stephan says ‘I completely agree with Terrip. I went to see the movie yesterday evening here in Holland. For a die hard Fan as I am, this 6th movie is de worst of all. The story is so different than the one in the book! Even more: there is so much ommitted! What of Harry who feels his “relationship” with Voldemort growing? And where is the big fight between Hogwarts students and de Death Eaters? Since I read about the fight at the time the 6th book came out, I couldn’t wait to see it on the screen. And the trailers made me expect something great… But nothing happens!! The movie is taking too much time to reveal all those love stories and forget the most important things. It should have been wiser to make 2 movies for the Half Bloof Prince too. I am really deeply disappointed – and judging by the look and tolk of the audience of yesterday evening, I wouldn’t loose a lot of money if I would bet that more than de half of the audience feels the same way I am – because this saga will be filmed this once and we might have to wait 50 years to see a remake, that I hope will be a lot beter (as of this 6th movie). The first 5 movies were good to great, but this one I don’t even want to have it on DVD at home. And I am so afraid for what is going to happen in the next two. The links from the 6th book to the 7th are completely gone. How are they going to explain certain things in the 7th one. Please: make this 6th once again! Please! I can’t understand that J.K. Rowling agreed with this 6th movie. It is just a joke and a disgrace to all Harry Potter fans. I couldn’t even sleep last night… There are a lot of stories about the fact that a lot of not fan are going to see a Harry Potter film for the first time, so it doesn’t matter if the movie is not following te story line of the book. What the h…?!! Like the banks, that shouldn’t forget that the client coms first and then the shareholders, the same has to be applied to HP films: first the fans, then the rest! Give the whole thing to Peter Jackson. He knows how to put a book on screen (The Lord of the Rings saga was a master piece). He won’t disappoint me’
Stephan already said the whole thing on behalf of all the HP fans do i need to say more?!
Ashish..another dissapointed HP fan
We want Petere Jackson..screw David Yates who is a disgrace to HP…love Rowling!
Very disappointed with the new harry potter film, the book was much better. Felt really bored watching this movie and was let down badly. The book was the better of all the books, just a shame the film didn’t live up to the book
i never hated never a movie as much as I hated this HP6. It earned very high on the premier coz every body is expecting a very spectacular movie since the book is superb. But if only movie goers could refund their money I’m sure everyone want to retrieve their money back.. And who could ever understand this movie. Good for those who read the book they maybe very disappointed but those who are non readers would end up very confused. let columbus back… sucking yates…
watched the movie…even wrote a review on it
read it here:
in short, it was disappointing. i expected much more from the team. they left out a whole lot from what was written in the books. especially the fight for Hogwarts!
though david yates did a splendid job, it was disappointing nonetheless
guess i`ll just stick to the books for now…
Some critics have expressed dissent toward some of the darker tone and general brooding in these later episodes of the series. Personally, I never felt that the world of witchcraft and wizardry was all that welcoming an environment. After all, Rowling has created a universe with not only a forbidden forest, but also a restricted section in the library.
Read my full review a http://cfilmc.com/harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince/
To be honest, I found this to be the second weakest installment of the adaptations(GoF was the worst adaptation). The Burrow burning scene was a complete waste of time, had no bearing on the central theme of the book, and prevented the presentation of other, more important, events. As is all too typical in Hollywood, substance in terms of plot line is left out to provide meaningless diversions.