We already had a little chat about the upcoming
Rust & Bone (De rouille et d'os)project, which comes from
A Prophet helmer
Jacques Audiard.
You also had a chance to take a first look at
Marion Cotillard who stars in a movie alongside
Matthias Schoenaerts. Today, we have the first official trailer for the whole thing and I definitely recommend you to check it out!
Based on Craig Davidson's short story collection with the same name, Rust & Bone tells the story of an unemployed 25-year-old man who falls in love with a killer whale trainer. But as you'll see from this trailer, the story is far more serious than that – things go bad when Cotillard's character loses her legs in a horrific accident.
What you really have to love about this 2-minute preview is Cotillard's strong performance, which could easily bring her some award.
As we previously mentioned, the movie is set to open on May 17th in France, and we could easily expect it to be included in the Cannes announcement on April 19.
Sony Picture Classics will distribute the film in the US, but no premiere date has been selected yet.
Let us know what you think about the trailer and stay tuned!