Sometimes it takes a lot of wrong to set things wright! And that's exactly what you're going to see in this completely new trailer for
The Baytown Outlaws which opens (in limited theaters) this January. But, the good thing about this new video is that we finaly have much better look not just at
Eva Longoria and
Billy Bob Thornton, but at the rest of this (let's call them all crazy, ok?) crazy cast as well! Take a look & let us know what you think!

So, as you already know, this action movie (with comedy elements) comes from director
Barry Battles and beside the above mentioned duo, it also stars
Thomas Brodie-Sangster,
Clayne Crawford,
Paul Wesley and
Andre Braugher.
Longoria plays Celeste who definitely has some serious problems with her ex-husband, played by Thornton. I mean – it's safe to say that their relationship is more than problematic 'cause that sick bastard shoots Celeste her three times in the gut and kidnaps her godson!
The Baytown Outlaws Trailer
HD-Quality 1080p [1920 px] − 57 Мb (QuickTime)
HD-Quality 720p [1280 px] − 43 Мb (QuickTime)
HD-Quality 480p [852 px] − 23 Мb (QuickTime)
Yeah, yeah, when that shit happens –
it's time to play dirty. So, she hires three outlawed, redneck brothers to bring him back to her. But, what begins as a small rescue mission rises to a Southern battle royale…
The Baytown Outlaws is set to open on January 18th, 2013.
So, what do you think?