Nothing spectacular, just another look at that porn addict who's looking for love, or something like that. I'm definitely not impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt‘s directorial debut, but who cares, you obviously love this guy, right? Whatever, we have a brand new trailer and 10 new images from Don Jon, and as usual you can check it all out in the rest of this report. Head inside to see Don Juan and his old fashioned girl & let us know what you think!
Written and directed by Gordon-Levitt, this romantic drama (or, is that comedy?) revolves around a guy named Jon Martello, who objectifies everything in his life, especially women.
His friends call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull “10s” every weekend without fail, and as you already see from these images – he is a strong, handsome, good old fashioned guy.
On the other hand, we have Scarlett Johansson, aka Barbara Sugarman – a bright, beautiful girl raised on romantic Hollywood movies, who's determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset.
And you already guess the rest of the story?
Wrestling with good old fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, our sweet couple struggles against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy.
Beside the above mentioned romantic duo, the rest of Don Jon cast includes Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Brie Larson, Glenne Headly, and the movie is set to hit theaters on September 27th, 2013.

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