Christina Hendricks is one busy lady these days. You already know that she's set to star as the female lead in Ryan Gosling's directorial debut
How To Catch a Monster, and all of the sudden comes the word that she's also set to headline
A Book Of Common Prayer, an adaptation of
Joan Didion‘s book of the same name!
At this moment not much is known about the project, except that
Campbell Scott is set to direct it, and that Hendricks comes on board to play the lead role of Charlotte Douglas, described as a
complex and compelling character.
Didion's 1977 novel is a story of both personal and political tragedy in the fictional Central American country of Boca Grande.
Or, if you want more details:
It centers on Charlotte Douglas, an American woman who arrives in a fictional Central American country that is on the verge of revolution and inexplicably imagines it is the place where she will be reunited with her fugitive 19-year-old daughter. Story is told through the eyes of an American anthropologist, long married into the ruling family, who tries to decipher the meaning of Charlotte's journey.
We'll keep an eye on it, make sure you stay tuned for more updates!