Shane Acker‘s new post-apocalyptic animated adventure “9” began its life as the young director's thesis project during his grad school days in UCLA's animation department. In that original incarnation, the film was an 11-minute silent short that plunged viewers into a desolate, destroyed world inhabited only by diminutive rag dolls loosely stitched together out of whatever odds and ends survived the unseen cataclysm…read more [FilmJournal]
I have no idea who “9” was made for, aside from me. It's a dark, post-apocalyptic tale whose main characters are walking burlap sacks. There are killer robots, responsible for obliterating the human race, and they have long spindly arms and glowing red eyes, cousins of the Matrix's sentinels. The story involves one of these sacks (9) meeting up with a group of other sacks, in an attempt to reclaim the world for… more sack people?…read more []

The feature-length version of 9 is visually sumptuous and artistically ambitious, but it's ultimately a dreary exercise in style over substance that covers too much familiar ground, both thematically and visually. 9 looks good, sometimes great, but it doesn't look all that different. Its war-ravaged world recalls WWII-era Dresden or London crossed with steampunk (Acker refers to his designs for the film as “stitchpunk”), but so did The Mutant Chronicles. As hauntingly and vividly realized as the realm of 9 is, if you've seen one bombed-out, lifeless post-apocalyptic world then you've seen them all…read more [IGN]
Acker's UCLA-made short pictured the same bombed-out, desolate urban landscape, one in which the eponymous little creature, a doll-like figure with a body of zipped-up fabric and blinking lenses for eyes, played hide-and-seek with a predatory mechanical monster until tricking it into its demise. Both are back for more cat-and-mouse this time, and are joined in the fleshed-out screenplay of Pamela Pettler (“Tim Burton's Corpse Bride,” “Monster House”) by Nos. 1-8, forerunners of No. 9 and all created by a genius human scientist as hoped-for seeds of intelligent life in the wake of a cataclysmic war…read more [Variety]
The film is visually stunning. The original short was all stop-motion animation while this has been updated to CGI. But I just loved the atmosphere the film depicts as you are introduced to the world ravaged by war and these little creatures fight to survive. I also have to admire the project for how original and creative it is. It reminded me some of District 9's unique way of taking so many parts of things we have seen before and blending them into something so original…read more [The Soothsayer Never Sleeps]

The dolls have numbers on their backs signifying who they are and the order in which they were created. They include 1 (Christopher Plummer), the priestly, rigid leader; 2 (Martin Landau), an aging but feisty inventor; 5 (John C. Reilly), who's loyal but afraid of everything; and 7 (Jennifer Connelly), a brave and butt-kicking warrior. Appropriately, Crispin Glover provides the voice of the group's misfit artist, 6. There are also 3 and 4, mute twins who are experts on history, and the brutish 8 (Fred Tatasciore), who looks like the Michelin Man and serves as 1's enforcer…read more [RecordOnline]

9 is certainly no WALL-E, but its intentions are different. Like many action-oriented films, whether live-action or animated, this one doesn't take the time to develop the characters and their relationships are telegraphed through recognizable clichés. (The film might have been better off without the “romance” between 9 and 7.) But it excels in establishing a narrative-advancing breakneck pace that integrates exposition without bringing the action to a screeching halt, and represents a largely enjoyable 1 1/4 hours. Comparing this to the summer's biggest, most bloated movie about malevolent robots, 9 is about twice as enjoyable with half the length…read more [Reelviews]
The end of human civilization is not healthy for children and other living things. But movies as varied as WALL·E, Children of Men, and The Road Warrior are proof that apocalyptic catastrophe is great for moviemakers, inspiring wonderfully original visions of ruin and expanding the artistic possibilities of cinematic technology. The latest achievement in art direction with an end-of-humanity theme belongs to the CG-animated fantasy-adventure 9, a tale of trust, bravery, and cooperation among a scrap-heap tribe of survivors, set in a desolate near-future where an overarching artificial intelligence known as the Great Machine has turned human-built contraptions into oppressors…read more [EW]

The great works of science fiction often are cautionary tales that contain social criticism about our world. “9,” though, is built more for action. So its rag dolls and mechanical monsters battle continually in a dark, dreary landscape egged on by a rousing symphonic store. (The music is curiously attributed, with Danny Elfman credited with its themes, while Deborah Lurie has done the actual score.)
Yes, #9 must prevail through his wits rather than brawn — he could hardly do otherwise against such huge machines. But thematically, “9” never adds up to much. It's a dark adult film that gives itself over to the chases and frights of a kiddie movie…read more [THR]
MakingOf, site founded by Natalie Portman and Christine Aylward, has exclusive in-depth interview with 9 director Shane Acker. Check it out below:
Elijah Wood presents an exclusive short made from his new CG animated film, “9” set in a post-apocalyptic world:
“9” Movie Video Review:
Can’t wait for this!!!!!!
yap there was lot of contributions come from the director as the above review been mention. true it was going to be a fine movie for kids with some intersecting faction. the rise of the machines was one reason to improve the temperament of the movie. we also read some good review of this movie over hire too. plot been so well express on it.
OMG it is so weird, can’t explain it
Dude this looks sick
The original short was also CG, not stop motion.
I loved this movie. it looked great and you could feel the 9 really fighting for their lives!!!!
I loved all of them and its really not for young kids!!! It was great from beginning to end!!! 7 is my favorite:) she kicked ass!!!!! go see this movie you will enjoy it.
Loved every minute of it. 3 and 4 were my favorites. There was just something charming about the way they moved, even though they had no real speaking parts.
. . . Kind of odd that 2 gave 9 a voicebox, but never bothered to do that for 3 or 4.
Just saw the movie and loved it! It’s a bit short with an ending you can almost predict — but well worth the watch. It’s dramatic with a few scenes that make you jump and cry — I’m not so sure if this type of film should be rated PG13. There’s nothing vulgar about the film, it’s just that I don’t think the kids who hope to see an animated short like Toy Story or something would very much like this film. It’s more for a post-teen adult viewer. 8 of 10, I may need to watch it again!
I loved the movie, and thought it was one of the best I’ve seen in many, many years, way better than that sorry butt of a movie T4 and better than transformers 2, about as good as Star Trek.
good movie; quite mindfucking
stupid, absolutely stupid movie. Animation was wonderful but thats it.
I agree, this movie made no sense and left so many unanswered questions.
i hate it sorry people how liked it
This is the worst movie i’ve ever gone to the theatre to see. it was so boring, and was pretty much pointless. the characters had no common sense, and everything was completely the opposite of what most people would do n their situation. it wasn’t even funny, and it IS NOT FOR LITTLE KIDS!!!
Style trumped substance. FANTASTIC style, but what good is that with no meaning behind it? I was so excited for this film, the post-apocalyptic steampunk backdrop with a PG13 rating had so much potential. If only more time had been taken with the script. As a writer, I knew within the first five or so minutes that I was going to be disappointed:
1. Never start with a ‘blank slate’ character, it’s a cop-out. It’s an easy way to introduce the audience to an unusual world but it lacks depth, as most easy writing choices do.
2. All motivations must make sense. When 9 hits 2 with the shovel, or whatever it was, 2 says ‘friend’ Why on earth would you try to make friends with someone who just smacked you?
There were some great concepts but the writing was not effective at getting them across to us.
I wanted so bad for it to be good, and it COULD have been. I hope this doesn’t sway other ambitious projects from reaching completion ):
The genre of the movie is post-apocalyptic animated adventure. This movie stars actors such as Christopher Plummer, John C. Reily, Crispin Glover, Jennifer Connelly, and Elijah Wood. The movie is rated PG-13 and it is not recommended for children. In the beginning of the movie the plot had started out confusing, but managed to explain itself out during the duration of the movie. Like all movies this movie had pros and cons throughout its entirety. Overall this was a very good movie; it was quite different from anything that I have, but nonetheless a great.
zellie is ur stuff in the movies? coming in here like ur some big writer lol, the movie was good, and i gor the meaning
BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont care what you people think BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate you creeps who dont like this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! star treck was the worst compared to this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!! star treck was STUPID!!!!!!!!!!! 9 was amazing!!!!!!!!!!! the people that dont get this movie its becuase you cant think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
just finished it yawn…post-apocalyptic done to death…Burlap sack hero better than a cartoon mouse I guess but man er.. sack vs machine AGAIN ! Glad I didn’t pay $12.50 for the 79min of “thesis project during grad school” And BTW “I GOT IT” now I want to get rid of it….
Torrents Forever Bitches
i hate you zoo you have such an attitude that no one wants to hear especially little kids looking at this site thinking about every ones opinions!!!!!!! your such an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grest movie, bit ruff round the plot but the characters are fantastic!!!
One of my best movies ever! If you think about the plot it becomes a little clearer! i want to do see it again or get it on dvd! hopefully they will make a 9:2 but i doubt that
Awesome movie! Seriously, I loved it. I totally understand most people’s confusion, but to say it has a poor plot? You’re WRONG. I recommend going to the 9experiment and reading the Scientist’s journal, if you’re really interested. (Or if you’re a mega nerd, like me.) It pretty much explains everything before the movie, and will probably leave you less confused afterwards. The movie wasn’t made for any specific age group. It’s for anyone who’s smart, and enjoys trying to figure things out. Go see it if you haven’t already!
I loved the movie it was awesome! I have it on “o0n demand” and I’m gonna see it again!
9 Is soooooooooo awesome
Fantastic animation. Typical David & Goliath plot. A little weak on the storyline. Lacked a bit of emotion (probably intentional) & had the right amount of Tim Burton “weirdness”. Can’t say I loved it but definately enjoyed it. You walk away confused because you like it but you can’t pick what you loved about it. Worth going to see just for the animation & sound effects alone. Wish they had these sorts of movies when I was a kid.
Zellie your a chump
Great animation, but my only concern is…..was the director high when he thought of this movie? seriously!
Movie sucked… another think how did this movie ever get rated PG-13?? Most of the kids I know who have watched this are scared to death and in tears by the end. Seriously the rating needs to be changed. On the brighter side the animation was great but the movie still sucked. Completely pointless, terrible story line.
this is da BEST animated movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!
just cuz its animated doesnt mean it has to be kiddish! i luv the movie!!!!
MOVIE WAS OMG AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call me freak if you wish… but I think there is a hidden code in film. The messege is clear, we are fu$% with our world.
it was scary to me….
you stinky heads! mwahahaha! um..
This was an awesome little move with a simple message, excellent animation, loved the different characters of the 9 rag dolls. It left a lot of un- answered questions. But thats why I like it most, it makes you think when you don’t have everything spelled out for you. “The Meek shall inherit the Earth”?
I loved it! Animation doesn’t have to = funny and for little kids. Why cant people get that into their heads – haven’t they seen manga? The Japanese have been doing this for years in 2D.
It makes you think and doesnt present everyone on a plate for a lazy audience.
Terrific … I look forward to his next one.
have a shit
An Apocalyptic animation with fantastic design and voices but without a well screenplay.The music is exquisite too.
I’m I the only one that found the ending to 9 extremely disappointing? I loved the movie but the ending were most of the characters turned into spirits should have changed.
This is the best single piece of animation I have ever seen. The way the music goes with the the emotions of the characters is phenomenal. as well as the way the remains of the old world are projected to create a feeling of nostalgia are something that’s rare to see. Not the nostalgia it creates, but the way it stirs emotions in the audience through integrating sci-fi and apocalyptic themes in a non traditional method is incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie for it’s beautiful animations and provoking storyboard.10/10
the movie was ok, but the ending was retarded. It made no sense.
I cant imagine how someone can sit and write sequence after sequence of plotless action. Unless your a war games addicted teenager. This movie’s scant unimaginative storyline works as though superfluous to merely showing what clever animators they are. And to think how that budget could have been spent. It should have stayed a short silent film.
really, it is the most disturbing dissapointing saddest terrible apocolyps movie ever made. i wouldnt reccomend it to anyone under age 9. it leaves so many questions and is horribly plotted. maybe i didnt understand it. the only effects the movie had on me was the whole time i was thinking about the worlds horrible things and gave me nightmares. not for kids
the comment i just posted is from a nine year old
All the dolls are so SO ADORABLE!!! XD I want to hug them all!!!
ADORABLE!!! BEST THAT I’VE EVER SEEN!!! I DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS! I REALLY LOVE THIS MOVIE! Not the machine, I hate all the machines…but I love ALL the ragdolls, & I ALWAYS WILL!!! XD
Well… I’ll give this movie a score of 74%. It was very refreshing so to say. All animated movies so far were “cute” but this one wow it’s something new. Loved the animation features, the soundtrack, the main idea(for a animated movie) but I have to be dissapointed with the fact that the ending was a bit too “cute”. I mean I for one thought that the scientist created this dolls and incorporate his soul within them to be a part of the machine. He says that in the hologram-video or whatever that was, that the machine needs a soul and says pretty clearly the fact that the machine is the future. And 9 after he saw that hologram thing just went and destroyed it. I thought that every one of the dolls will be a part of the machine at the end and then that machine would start to build science thingies and with it manage somehow to make life sustainable on earth… Anyway loved the scene when “somewhere over the rainbow” starts and then when the track is about to end they get attacked. I loved that the soundtrack didn’t fit with what was going on . Great movie, not exceptional, but great.