With seven more films, the program of the
62nd Berlin International Film Festival is nearing completion.
And I'm sure you're going to love the new look at this list simply because some well-known titles are now on board! Check out the rest of this report to find out which ones!
So, here are the announced films in the Competition programme!
À moi seule (Coming Home)
By Frédéric Videau (Le fils de Jean-Claude Videau, Variéte Francaise)
With Agathe Bonitzer, Reda Kateb
World premiere
Bel Ami
Great Britain
By Declan Donnellan, Nick Ormerod (feature debut)
With Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Christina Ricci
World premiere / out of competition
En kongelig affære (A Royal Affair)
Denmark/Czech Republic/Germany/Sweden
By Nikolaj Arcel (Islands of Lost Souls, Sandheden om mænd, Königspatience – Intrige im Parlament)
With Mads Mikkelsen, Alicia Vikander, Trine Dyrholm, David Dencik, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard
World premiere
Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate
Hong Kong, China
By Hark Tsui (Once Upon A Time In China, Detective Dee And The Mystery Of The Phantom Flame, Time And Tide)
With Jet Li, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Kwai Lun Mei
European premiere / out of competition – 3D
By Kim Nguyen (La citė, Truffe, Le Marais)
With Rachel Mwanza, Alain Bastien, Serge Kanyinda
World premiere
Shadow Dancer
Great Britain/Ireland
By James Marsh (Project Nim, The King, Man On Wire)
With Clive Owen, Andrea Riseborough, Gillian Anderson
European premiere / out of competition
Special screening in the Berlinale Palast:
By Steven Soderbergh (Sex, Lies and Videotape, Traffic, Erin Brockovich)
With Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender, Channing Tatum
German premiere
So, the full Berlinale 2012 COMPETITION list is here:
A moi seule (Coming Home), directed by Frederic Videau (France)
Aujord'hui (Tey), directed by Alain Gomis (France, Senegal)
Bai iu yuan (White Deer Plain), directed by Wang Quan'an (China)
Barbara, directed by Christian Petzold (Germany)
Bel Ami, directed by Declan Donnellan and Nick Oremerod (UK) – out of competition
Captive (Captured), directed by Brillante Mendoz (France, Philippines, Germany, UK)
Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die), directed by Paolo & Vittorio Taviani (Italy)
Csak a szei (Just The Wind), directed by Bence Fliegauf (Hungary, Germany, France)
Dictado (Childish Games), directed by Antonio Chavarrias
En Kongelig Affare (A Royal Affair), directed by Nikolaj Arcel (Denmark, Czech, Sweden, Germany)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, directed by Stephen Daldry (USA) – out of competition
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, directed by Tsui Hark (China, Hong Kong) – out of competition
Gnade (Mercy), directed by Matthias Glasner (Germany, Norway)
Haywire, directed by Steven Soderbergh (USA) – special screening
Jayne Mansfield's Car, directed by Billy Bob Thronton (USA)
Jin ling Shi San Chai (The Flowers of War), directed by Zhang Yimou (China) – out competition
Kebun binatang (Postcards From The Zoo), directed by Edwin (Indonesia, Germany, Hong Kong, China)
L'enfant d'en haut (Sister), directed by Ursala Meier (Switzerland, France)
Les adieux a la Reine (Farewell My Queen), directed by Benoit Jacquot (France)
Meteora, directed by Spiros Stathoulopoulos (Germany, Greece)
Rebelle (War Witch), directed by Kim Nguyen (Canada)
Shadow Dancer, directed by James Marsh (UK, Ireland) – out of competition
Tabu, directed by Miguel Gomes (Portugal, Germany, Brazil, France)
The Iron Lady, directed by Phyllida Lloyd (UK) – special screening
Was bleibt (Home For The Weekend), directed by Hans-Christian Schmid (Germany)